Taking a look at some films I wanted to watch and picking them apart and taking a look at, characters, effects, writing and other things. I give each a rating at the end based on the aspects I have looked at.
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Los Campesinos! - You'll Need those Fingers, For Crossing.
I know this isn't a film but i saw this video for the The LC! song 'You'll Need those Fingers For Crossing and loved the pure simplicity of it. As far as i can tell (and have researched) it is the official video for the song which i think is excellent because more simplistic editing and filming styles used. Not a lot of expensive equipment was used from the quality shown but who really cares ?! The slideshow of animals and of people shows, life. The slow turning of clock and pass of time. Nothing exciting needs to happen just the day to day occurrences can make for some great photos and footage. Some of the photos have some flashing colour change which does look a bit cheesy but fits with the fast tempo and the xylophone in the background makes for some very cheerful happy music. Another thing i like about this video is that a lot of the footage used is raw footage. Simple footage on a camera phone like the image below (left) of the man in the beige tshirt. His part in the video was a video of him dancing in a really strange way. However his dancing again really fits with the music as it looks like a just a spontaneous dance due to being very happy, which is also funny/nice to see. The bottom right image was of an animated baby dancing which was also a great addition. I like it because it seems like it was added purely because the creator of this video liked it. Which is perfectly understandable, its a dancing baby, who wouldn't that cheer up? I posted the video itself at the bottom if you want to give it a watch and i wont be giving this one a rating as it doesnt compare to a movie because its a music video, simply.
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