Sunday 2 June 2013

Resub// Method Studios.

Method studios are a VFX company who have done a lot of high profile film work. They have a section on their website about Iron Man 3, whats interesting though is that they only were involved in certain scenes. The VFX supervisor, Matt Dessero, was overseeing more than 80 shots but this only equated to a few scenes.

The scene where the water tower collapses is all most all CG aside from the water itself, however even the details in the water like the spray, mist and splashes were all added later on.

This shot is done very well and the efforts from all the VFX team involved were really impressive as the shot does look exactly like a tumbling water tower should look like. This is another instance where the cost would have been too substantial to build a water tower and then destroy it, and capture everything needed without having to re-do the shot. Which would be incredibly expensive. 

This is the king of CG stuff that I can sign on too, because its done well and has only been done because it was necessary to do so. If it can be done in real life then it should be, because real always looks more real than something pretending to be.

This is Method Studios 2011 commercial reel which shows their prowess in the field of VFX. The advert with the arrows in is a particular favourite as when the archer lines up to take his shot and all the VFX archers were added in afterwards it just shows that less can be more when convincing people that CGI is real. I think that when I do my own VFX stuff thats what I'm going to focus on; less being more. Using CGI to accent my footage rather than cover it completely.

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