Wednesday 12 June 2013

Resub//Avatar's Green Screen.

I saw this video earlier when looking up some more VFX processes and companies and I found the techniques used in Avatar. Pretty easy if you ask me, nothing there is massively difficult in terms of VFX programming. I'm pretty bad at it and I think I could do this.

Theres nothing massively wrong with this, its just really simple. I know anything is simple when you know how to do it, but it wouldn't take long to teach this. This can teach me that even simple animatics can look really good if you pay attention to the smaller things involved. Such as keying properly, and making sure the green screen has no creases or folds.

Another very simple fly by animation but in this case it shows how the model (the gunship) can be completely separated from the background and applied to any other background which could be anything the designer wishes. However to make it look realistic it must be the correct angle in relation to the background otherwise its just doesn't look real. Adding the shadow and rotar blade noises, maybe  small bird tweets and a slight breeze to make sure all the elements of the real world are simulated. 

This is the thrid game of thrones vlog about their filming in Iceland. Now the reason I watched this in the first place was because it said 'in Iceland', this immediately interested me as I love on location shoots. They mention things like the blizzards and icicles in the characters beards were all real and very little was green screened. This doesn't have a lot of VFX relevance but if through the development of VFX technology we acquire the ability to simulate these sort of biomes correctly then we should still film it on location. An amazing set with an amazing VFX team could create a master piece which shows the both can work side by side in harmony without one trying to out do the other. But as long as the 'cheaper' option is always the best I can't see it turning out that way unless we value both as separate  art forms but combine to make a better one.

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